These are "Black Eyed Susans". I love the contrast between the center and the petals. | |
This is a close up of one of the Black Eyed Susans. I couldn't resist getting this shot. | |
Yellow Tiger Lilly. | |
Purple Rose of Sharon. This is actually my favorite flower. | |
My daughter had been wanting me to get a good picture of a bee for her for quite a while. When I saw one land on this Purple Cone Flower I figured it would be the perfect shot. It's hard to tell on such a small picture, but on the larger one on my computer it looks like the bee is actually looking right at the camera. | |
Here's another one of the bee on the Purple Cone Flower. | |
White Hibiscus. Another one of my favorites. Of course, that could be because it is in the same family as the Rose of Sharon. *s* | |
I had originally taken a picture of the whole flower, but I was most drawn to the center of this Red Lilly, so I decided to crop it real close. I love the detail of the pollen in this one. | |
Another shot of the white Hibiscus. |
Eventually I will have all the larger versions of these up in my DeviantArt gallery (