Friday, November 21, 2008

Ahhh.... I finally got my fix!

You know how it is when you run out of your last little bit of wire, right? You get cold sweats, anxiety attacks, then the nausea sets in, and the aches and pains, and.....

Well, ok, it's not really that bad. But it is pretty hard on you when you are used to being able to work on a project any time you want to, then you realize you're out of what you need for that project.

I just went through three weeks without any wire at all. Usually I don't let that happen. Things had just been so crazy here for a while that I didn't get a chance to order it. It was absolute agony!

I have to wonder though, did going without wire for so long really hurt me as much as it felt like it did. When you consider what I was inspired to do after not working on anything for those weeks, I'd say it did me a lot of good.


It took me a total of 11 hours to make this necklace. All the findings, including the toggle clasp and the coiled spacer beads, were made completely by hand. If you would like to see more pictures of this necklace, you can find this item in my Etsy shop,


The Beading Gem said...

Absolutely outstanding and worth the agonising wait!

Anonymous said...

I dont know much about jewlery, but I know WOW when I see it. HOLY CRAP this is one of most gorgeous things I have ever seen in my life. No joke. Keep up the good work!